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Pre Pregnancy Counseling

Pre-Pregnancy Counseling - Plan for a Healthy Pregnancy

The aim of prepregnancy counseling is to ensure that women who embark on pregnancy are fully aware of the risks and benefits of treatment so that they can make informed decisions about the pregnancy (Betts and Crawford, 1998).There are a number of important issues relating to pregnancy; therefore, preconception counseling should be offered to all women with epilepsy. We have our best doctor for pregnancy in hyderabad

Pre Pregnancy Counseling

As with any woman being counseled about pregnancy, advice needs to be given in relation to exercise, diet, smoking, and alcohol consumption. The main issue that does need discussing is the teratogenic potential of AEDs, although it is important that these risks are put in perspective in that there is a > 90% chance of a normal baby.

What happens during a pre-pregnancy counselling session?

You can discuss and clarify with your doctor, all the things that concern you before you get pregnant, like starting prenatal vitamins, diet or any hereditary health issues. Many important points will be discussed during your pre-pregnancy counselling session. They include:

  • Reproductive history: You doctor will discuss your menstrual history, use of contraceptives, any previous sexually transmitted diseases, vaginal infections and Pap test results.
  • Medical and surgical history: You should inform the doctor about any past health problems so that it can be controlled while you plan your pregnancy. Any past surgeries or hospitalizations should also be brought to the doctor’s notice.
  • Current medications: Discuss with your doctor regarding any prescription, over-the-counter medications or herbal supplements that you may be currently taking. This can help the doctor plan your medications so as to prevent any potential problems during your pregnancy.
  • Weight: It is always better to have an ideal weight before you conceive. Gaining weight if you are underweight will reduce the risk of having a low birth-weight baby, and reducing weight if you are overweight will prevent the risk of high blood pressure during pregnancy.
  • Workplace and home environment: Your doctor will discuss potential hazards to conception or maintaining a pregnancy, such as exposure to lead or certain toxic solvents, radiation and cat faeces.
  • Lifestyle: The effect of certain habits like alcohol consumption, smoking and use of recreational drugs on pregnancy will be discussed. You and/or your partner may be advised to stop these habits for a healthy pregnancy.
  • Exercise: Inform your doctor about the type of exercises you perform or if you don’t exercise. Based on this, you may be advised to continue normal exercises during pregnancy until your doctor suggests otherwise.
  • Diet: Having good dietary habits is beneficial during pregnancy. You will be advised to consume food rich in folic acid, calcium, fibre and other nutrients, and reduce the intake of caffeine, which is present in coffee, chocolates, soft drinks and medications, before getting pregnant.
  • Family health history: Inform your doctor about the presence of hereditary medical conditions and multiple births in the family.
  • Prenatal vitamins: You should start taking folic acid supplements before you conceive, as folic acid reduces the chances of neural tube defects in your baby.
  • Advice for older women: Women older than 35 years of age will be advised on the risks of infertility, abnormalities in the child and pregnancy complications, such as miscarriage and labour problems.

Your doctor may also recommend:

  • Physical exam of your abdomen, heart, breasts, thyroid and lungs
  • Pap smear and pelvic examination
  • Lab tests to screen for hepatitis, HIV, rubella, syphilis and other conditions
  • Chart menstrual cycles to monitor ovulation and determine the most favourable time to get pregnant
  • Advise appropriate vaccinations against rubella or chickenpox, and recommend delay in conception for a month
  • Conduct genetic counselling for older mothers or those with a risk of hereditary diseases to help you understand the chances of birth defects or intellectual disability in the child.


Pre-conception counselling is an important step before planning pregnancy for every couple. We offer tailored preconception counselling to the couples. You can contact our hospital today to schedule an appointment for preconception counselling.

Pre-conception counselling

There are various reasons which would let you consider preconception counselling as an important measure before a pregnancy…

  • Achieving the status of health for both the partners to achieve easy and natural conception.
  • To avoid or minimize pregnancy complications.
  • Achieving the optimum body weight / BMI before pregnancy
  • Screening for STI (Sexually Transmitted Infections) and their treatment before pregnancy
  • Relevant vaccinations and cervical cancer screening tests ( Pap test)
  • Starting preconception folic acid to prevent neural tube defects in the baby



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    • Nikitha
  • I Am Happy With Doctor Friendliness

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    • Shekar Chary
  • I Am Happy With Doctor Friendliness

    Very good hospital, Dr. Shaivalini is very knowledgeable and experienced. She is polite and comforted in getting my wife operated and give us a child. Very good hospital with advanced techniques and facilities.

    • manikanth devarakonda
  • I Am Happy With Doctor Friendliness

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    • Pasulodi Shanta

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